I am a woman on a mission and I have dedicated my life to helping people change. With a passion for transforming lives through the arenas of self-esteem and self-development, my ability to connect produces immediate and powerful results. I am more than just a motivational speaker – I strive to be a “Master Builder” of people!

My personal success story began at the age of 38 after 19 years in Corporate America in the legal field. I have been a million dollar producer for a direct sales organization, where I consistently broke company records and exceeded sales goals.

Today I am the Founder of the Institute for Innovative Excellence where I work as a transformational teacher and business coach, specializing in Leadership and Personal Development, Spiritual Response Therapy, and several healing modalities. My background as a Spiritual Entrepreneur has helped me assist people in applying spiritual principles to create significant and lasting change in the area of Health, Money, Relationships, and Creative Self-Expression.

At the Institute for Innovative Excellence, the mission is to teach people how to align their thoughts, emotions and actions with the highest part of themselves (Soul Self), to find their purpose, and the gift they are here to bring to the world. This is the meaning of life. This is what it means to experience authentic power.

To express and live from authentic power is not a quick fix. It is a lifetime process of letting go of the past, discovering the new in order to live from the highest potential of who we are. What shows up is who we truly are born to be. It is a Journey of Self Discovery – finding out the truth of who we are.

The mission to serve is enhanced by working in creative ways to inspire others to go on this profound journey of discovering the self, to clean up their past, to forgive themselves for their flaws and shortcomings, and to make peace with themselves. Training people to go beyond the Limited Self, to transcend limitations, overcome challenges, and to get in touch with the deep longing of their soul is at the core of the work.

The relevance of this work in today’s climate is underscored as we prepare for a new world unlike the past – as the consciousness of many is now being raised exponentially. Now is the time to design your life in ways only you can imagine. Now is the time to reinvent yourself and your business; and create your place solidly in a new world order. I would love to be a part of your design team.

I attended Virginia Commonwealth University where I studied English and Psychology. I am a graduate of The Entrepreneurial Edge and have done work through Landmark Education as well as The Generative Leadership Group on Women, Vision, and The Future. Currently writing my first book, I enjoy reading, traveling, yoga, meditation and Pilates.