My name is JoAnne Barnes and I am the founder of the Institute for Innovative Excellence. My experience as an Entrepreneur has been in the area of Executive Leadership training. Today my work involves assisting clients to apply spiritual principles to create significant and lasting change in the areas of health, money, relationships and creative self expression. As a successful speaker, teacher, leadership and personal development coach my expertise has a proven track record.

I believe when we align our thoughts, emotions and actions with the highest part of ourselves (Soul Self), we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose and meaning. Life is rich and full. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power. To express and be in our authentic power is not a quick fix. It is a lifetime process of letting go of the past, discovering the new and allowing the future to come into existence.

My mission is to find creative and innovative ways to inspire others to take this profound journey of Self Discovery which in truth is about revealing the Self, to clean up the past, forgive themselves and make peace with themselves.

I truly believe that the curriculum of life is to KNOW THYSELF – this is self gnosis, this is self knowledge. Supporting people to go beyond their limited self, to transcend limitations, overcome challenges and get in touch with the deep longing of their Soul is at the heart of my offerings which include:

  • One-on-One Coaching
  • Spiritual Response Therapy – Transformational Work
  • The Multi-Dimensional Self – Clearing Trauma
  • Personal Development (Tools and Concepts)
  • The Art of Language
  • Mentoring for Mastery
  • The Identification of Self

My career has been marked by Personal development that I sought from many teachers. I firmly know that personal development always precedes professional development. Much of my work was born out of being a Spiritual Entrepreneur and I have been privileged to experience what it means to work from the ‘inside out’.

It is always my great joy to share this with you.


aka JoAnne